Just a short walk, well climb (down) from HWY 70 in Tennessee, you will find Ozone Falls. To get there, take exit 339 from I-40 and head west to HWY 70. There you'll take a right and drive 5 or 6 miles until you see signs for Ozone Recreation area. If you blink, you will miss the signs. If you walk straight from the parking lot, you'll be at the top of the falls looking down. Not for the faint-of-heart or anyone with vertigo. WARNING, there are no handrails. A buddy of mine told me that when he was a kid some 30+ years ago, people used to push stolen cars over the edge.
If you go right from the parking lot, appox. 50 yards are so, the trail leaves the road to your left and you will quickly descend to the pool where the falls comes crashing down. The fall itself is over 100 feet high and you can hike behind it. I was told that a portion of the movie "Jungle Book" was filmed here, but have no proof. If you are traveling through east TN, I suggest that you stop by and view this spectacular falls for yourself. Picture don't do it justice.